Hello, I'm Crafter Wong and I make Pokemon Papercrafts and BTD 6 models and maybe other stuff if you ask... maybe. I have to admit I'm getting a little burned out with upload so I am going to be taking a break. Don't worry I have posts prepped until the end of August. Don't know if I will return. There are easter eggs around my website on what I'm going to be releasing so have fun finding them!!
Friday, October 30, 2020
Chibi Chandelure
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Chibi Alakazam
Friday, October 23, 2020
Chibi Lampent
Width: 3.08 in / 7.82 cm
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Chibi Kadabra
Friday, October 16, 2020
Chibi Litwick
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Chibi Abra
Funny thing is when trying to come up with
something to talk about in this section of this post, I wanted to talk about
its height because I knew that Alakazam was a short Pokemon. Without thinking,
I typed in "Abra height" into the Google search bar assuming the only
thing that would pop up was the Pokemon Abra's height. Instead, the height of a
Filipino hip-hop artist named Abra appeared. I did not expect that and was like
well at least I have a story now😁.
When typing in Pokemon Abra height into
Google, I got Abra's height and saw that the Pokemon stood at two foot eleven
inches (88.9 centimeters). To be honest that seemed like a proper size for a Pokemon Abra if it
were to live in the real world. This is unlike the rest of the Abra line as
Kadabra and Alakazam seems a little short for what I imagined as they stand at four
foot three inches (129 centimeters) and four foot eleven inches (150 centimeters) respectable.
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Basic Ninja Monkey
Depth: 2.35 in / 5.97 cm